First Post - 15 Facts About Me

Hi there, I'm Mimi and this is the start of my new blog Mimi%! 

I love beauty and fashion so I thought it would be a good idea to start a blog to give you little reviews and outfit posts. I am by no means a good writer so I'm not sure how well this will turn out but I hope it still interests you.

Now as I am new to blogging I thought I should start off with some random facts just so you can get to know me:

1. I am 18 and studying Fashion Design at university.
2. I am Chinese and my parents are from Hong Kong but I was born in the UK so I can speak English and Cantonese.
3. I am very shy and not very good with meeting new people which is why I opted for a blog rather than a youtube channel.
4. My biggest fears are spiders and insects, anything which has more than 4 legs, it can be 1mm big and I will be scared of it. I even hate butterflies.
5. I absolutely adore cats and any item that had a cat on it but I don't actually own a pet cat!
6. My first job was working at a wedding dress shop where I did alterations and sewed on embellishments.
7. I am 5ft 3 which is pretty short for my age in the UK so I love wearing heels.
8. My favourite fruit is mango but I am actually slightly allergic but I still eat it sometimes because it's just too good!
9. I am very allergic to watermelon but I love items with watermelon motifs or patterns.
10. I have dyed my hair many times from ginger to light brown to ombre to red highlights.
11. I love ear piercings, I currently have 4 (2 lobe piercings on my left, one lobe piercing and a conch piercing on my right) and I plan to get more.
12. Bright electric blue is my favourite colour.
13. I am obsessed with nail varnish and doing nail art. I have over 150 bottles of nail varnish!
14. I'm the type that has a 'Mary Poppins' bag and brings absolutely everything with me when I go out.
15. I must wear a watch every time I go out otherwise I feel like there's a part of me missing.

Mimi x

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